16 July 2024
To: Club Secretaries within Cricket Scotland
Team Captains within Cricket Scotland
Dear Secretaries and Captains,
Match Day Conduct
We are writing to you with a mid-season update regarding match day conduct and observations from the first half of the season that require urgent communication to all clubs and players.
It is most disappointing that we must write in these terms. From the outset, we understand that not all clubs have experienced the issues identified in this letter, however, it is important that everyone in Scottish cricket understands some of the challenges we face so as a community we can work together to ensure the strength of our sport.
In addressing this letter to secretaries and captains, we would be grateful if you would share the contents of this letter with your players at all levels, and throughout the club in a meaningful way.
On field Behaviour
It is apparent that on-field behaviours are deteriorating, to the point where matches have been abandoned, players suspended, complaints made by clubs at the conclusion of matches about players and spectators of opposing sides, and already several players have been issued level 2 sanctions as an alternative to a Conduct in Sport panel. The level of abuse levelled at umpires is also a worrying factor.
We are also concerned about the impact this may be having on our young players, many of whom play in senior teams.
Additionally, conduct in sport panels are scheduled for August for alleged serious breaches of the code of conduct. Experientially, on field conduct appears to have deteriorated this season. Bearing in mind, this is a sport that prides itself on self-discipline, fairness, respect for all, and leadership.
It is based on these values, together with the “Spirit of Cricket,” that we appeal to you to reinforce with all members of your club the values that make our sport unique and so appealing. Sadly, for some, competitiveness has blinkered judgement, leading to the behaviours that have resulted in the outcomes noted above.
It is not solely the role of the conduct in sport process to deliver determinations and sanctions, the role is wider reaching and includes the promotion and encouragement of positive attitudes within our sport, it also has a safeguarding function in relation to the future of domestic cricket in Scotland and it is on this basis that we write to you.
Cricket has always self-policed, and Team Captains have been an example of leadership and exemplary behaviours on and off the field. It is this type of positive leadership that is required in influencing our teams away from behaviours that challenge our sporting values.
There will be those who will not heed advice; for the avoidance of doubt, sanctions will continue to be imposed, restricting playing privileges across the cricketing community in Scotland, where required, for lengthy periods of time and may lead to points deductions for clubs whose players consistently fail to observe the spirit of cricket and fair play.
We hope that this communication is received in the spirit intended, to support and grow our game and encourage our next generation to experience just as much enjoyment as we have and benefit from the values learned from this great sport.
To this end, we would welcome any comments or observations that may help inform our approach moving forward. A healthy discourse amongst the cricketing community is essential to ensure the promotion, safety, and enjoyment of cricket in Scotland.
We are grateful for your support in conveying this message to your members and players.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew McDowall Willie Ferguson
Conduct in Sport Manager CSMOA
Paul Gray Chris Blake
Iain Murdoch Derek Traill
Keith Murray