Important communication below from SPCU Chair Ryan Milne on return to inter club matches. Please make sure all clubs in SPCU region have seen this.
Dear SPCU Clubs,
Following last week’s welcome announcement from Cricket Scotland, after gaining the approval of SportScotland and the Scottish Government, the SPCU are delighted that local inter club matches can be arranged from today (10th August). We would like to thank all those who have contributed towards the recommencement of inter club cricket in Scotland.
While this news is very much welcomed, the SPCU management committee recognise that for some member clubs the onus of complying with the necessary guidance to support a COVID safe environment for inter club matches will be too much. We would like to thank all member clubs in ensuring that the health and safety of players, officials, volunteers and their extended families is the number one priority in protecting them all from a highly infectious virus. The collective responsibility of all of us is critical to ensure the virus is contained and we can continue to enjoy the remainder of our already limited season.
We would strongly encourage everyone to read this short online e-learning course which provides general information on staying safe and specific information on inter-club fixtures. The course can be found here
I’d like to record my personal thanks to all clubs in Aberdeen who took sensible steps to call off planned training and intra club matches in light of the COVID outbreak and lock down in Aberdeen this weekend. This is a sign of the collective responsibility in the cricket community required to keep our game safe and I am sure that should any further outbreaks and lock downs be announced across another of the SPCU regions, then the clubs affected would respond in a similar light.
The management committee acknowledge the many hours spent by club administrators to arrange fixtures and would ask everyone to show their appreciation as this job will only be made harder as our member clubs require to be agile to react appropriate outbreaks. In order to aid our members and to ensure that the various committees of the SPCU can perform their duties, we are requiring clubs to notify our Competitions mailbox ( with ALL proposed fixtures and times by Thursday. Our website will be updated frequently with this information to allow for member clubs to arrange fixtures at short notice.
As outlined in the guidance, fixtures should remain local at this stage and the SPCU in conjunction with CS would be happy to support clubs in determining whether a fixture can be classed as local. While we anticipate clubs will comply rigorously with the guidance, we reserve the right to challenge a member club should we feel the guidance is not being followed. Full copy of the guidance can be found here…/Cricket-Scotland-guidance-…
Ryan Milne
SPCU Chair